purchase used car tips

Car Insurance Purchasing Tips

You know you need to have car insurance before purchasing a used vehicle. Even so, the average person is intimidated by the process of finding the right insurance since there are so many options available and they can be challenging to compare. You may be surprised to learn just how easy it is to get affordable car insurance that covers you completely, but it is definitely possible and simple if you follow these tips.

Choose the Right Insurer

Perhaps the most important part of buying car insurance is choosing which insurer to go with. As a general rule of thumb, you should do some research ahead of time and choose an insurer with a good customer rating. While comparing premiums will give you some information, it doesn’t tell the whole story. After all, some insurance companies may occasionally make you pay extra, make lowball loss estimates, or encourage the repair shop to cut corners. It is better to pay a few dollars more a month and avoid these expensive issues.

Check the Rate Every Year

Just because you have been using the same insurer for your car insurance for years doesn’t mean they are the best choice. Whether you are buying a new used car or continuing to insure your old one, take the time every year or so to compare rates. This shouldn’t take you very long to do and could end up saving you money. Just remember that in most situations, people who have already been with their insurer for a while and have a good history without accidents are unlikely to find lower rates by switching. Even so, it is worth a check.

Pay Attention to Coverage

Remember to look at the coverage you get for the rate you pay. While you will have to spend more money for extra coverage, this can end up saving you money in the long run if you get into an accident. There are some things, however, that can be cut. Have another car? Then you don’t need rental reimbursement coverage. Part of an auto club with a good deal on roadside assistance? Don’t pay extra for that from your insurance company.

Select Your Deductible Carefully

When figuring out what you can afford to pay for automotive insurance, be sure to pay attention to the deductible as well as the premium. When you have a lower premium, your deductible is probably higher since they can charge you less, as you will be paying more. Just increasing your deductible by a few hundred dollars can lower your premium by between 15 and 30 percent. If you are a good driver and haven’t had an accident that was your fault in years, it may actually make sense to opt for a reasonably high deductible to lower your premium. Before you do so, however, confirm you’ll be able to pay it.

Know the Potential Discounts

As with anything else, there are also plenty of ways you may be eligible for discounts on your auto insurance and they are worth checking into. Students who have good grades may get discounts as can new drivers with a driver training course under the belts or older drivers who have taken refresher courses. Taking a defensive driving course at any age may get you a discount and so can having safety and anti-theft equipment in your car. Do your research and see which discounts you are eligible for from which insurers.

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